As a student, managing finances is always an essential task. With everyday expenses, you may think it’ll be difficult to save money. However, with a bit of planning and effort, there are a lot of things you can do to make saving whilst at university much easier. Now the academic year is finished, current and future students are in the process of thinking about and organising their student accommodation. So, as a student property provider in Hull, here’s our guide on money-saving tips for students in Hull.
All-Inclusive Student Accommodation in Hull
One of the best things about our student properties in Hull is the all-inclusive bills option we offer. With this option, all of your bills are included in your monthly rent price. This option is available on nearly all of our student properties and not only overs your bills, but it also makes your university life much easier. The bills inclusive option covers:
- Fibre optic internet — connection & monthly subscription
- Gas, electricity & water
- Full annual TV license.
Student Discounts in Hull
Hull is an incredibly student-friendly city, meaning you can get a huge range of student discounts around the city. By simply asking before you pay if student discounts are accepted, you can then show your student ID and take advantage of the benefits! From clothes shops and cinemas to public transport and pubs, there are a huge number of local and national businesses willing to give student discounts!
Planning Ahead of Time
Planning ahead of time is a great way to help you save money. After your rent, the biggest expense you’ll experience is usually your grocery shopping. By planning your meals for the week, you can go to the shop and buy exactly what you need without spending money on unnecessary extras. Buying and cooking your own food is considerably cheaper than eating out and ordering takeaways, and can be just as nice!
Utilise the Library & Second-Hand Course Books
The University of Hull is lucky enough to have a huge 7-floor library with a large collection of study books, rare books, articles, journals and even e-books to help you during your studies. By utilising the library, you can save money by not having to use paid online services.
Second-hand course books are another great way to help save money. Brand new coursebooks can be a heavy investment and, depending on your course, you could end up paying hundreds of pounds for study materials. Instead of spending hundreds, save hundreds by buying your course books second-hand!
Student Accommodation in Hull
Here at Castle Homes, we take pride in offering affordable and luxury student properties in Hull. Our portfolio of student properties is extensive and features everything from 1-bedroom flats for yourself to 10-bedroom student house shares.
To take a look at our properties, visit our website or book a viewing!
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